The premier meeting place for the Chief Analytics Officer community
Join 200+ Delegates, 60+ Speakers, in San Francisco on May 14 – 16 for 3 days of inspiring content’
This conference is not just for Chief Analytics Officers: it may be led by CAO’S but all top level Analytics, Data, Data Science, Business Intelligence specialists cross-industry are welcome, allowing you to meet and network with the very best of your peers from a range of organizations and backgrounds.’
This year we will be hosting 3 days of industry leading content.’
The Machine Learning, Deep Learning and AI for Strategic Innovation Pre-Conference Focus Day will be making its return on May 14 covering topics such as:’
- Hype vs Reality
- Anomaly Detection
- Definitions of ML and AI
- Image recognition
- Natural Language Processing
- Deep Learning
- Bridging the gap between the past and the present technologies and approaches
- How Machine Learning can enable businesses – Giving people the right information at the right time
- Deepening Model Complexity
- AI and Security
Running concurrently to the Machine Learning and AI day, this year we will also be featuring our newly launched C-Suite Connections event, the C-Level networking event designed to bring business leaders from all areas of the business to address common challenges. This edition will be focussing on Digital Transformation and strategies for overcoming its associated challenges. Bringing together C-Suite leaders from across industries, for a day of workshop style interactive sessions and case studies where we discuss key areas such as:’
- Defining what ‘digital transformation’ really means, C-Level accountability for execution and tangible implications for present and future business.
- What are the biggest challenges faced by C-Level leaders in current digitally transformative climate, and how can they best work together towards a common goal?
- Data and analytics as the foundation for Digital Transformation’
exploring the deep connections between digital transformation, data and analytics. - Discussing this importance of leadership, culture and digital skill-sets
- With many market leaders now digital first companies, how can traditional bricks and mortar companies compete with digital disruptors? What are the key considerations and value drivers?
- Identifying the challenges faced by most businesses when adapting people, process and new technology to a ‘digital first’ mind-set?
- And many more’
Day 2 & 3′
Corinium’s signature 2 day Main Conference will be taking place on May 15′
16 featuring all of the hottest topics for Data and Analytics leaders everywhere. Featuring inspiring Keynotes, insightful Panel Discussions and our innovative Discussion Groups.’
We will be covering key topics such as:’
- Strategies for delivering value for your organisation
- Cloud analytics and storage
- Operationalizing analytics
- Company wide innovation
- Self service analytics
- Change management
- New tools technology and approaches
- Engagement with the business and organizational psychology
- The connected consumer’ and real-time analytics to better serve them
- New opportunities through the Internet of Things
- Developing your business via data and analytics, beyond its traditional scope
- Social media data and analytics
- Experimentation approaches
- And many more’