PHP (an acronym for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) is a widely used open-source general-purpose scripting language that is designed for developing dynamic web pages. It is used to manage dynamic content, databases, session tracking, and even build entire e-commerce sites. PHP is mainly focused on server-side scripting, so it can not only do the tasks any other CGI program can do, … [Read more...] about Is PHP a Dead Programming Language?
Virtual Community Days- Agile, DevOps & Testing
Join us for our conference "Virtual Community Days- Agile, DevOps & Testing: An Interdisciplinary Approach" on 1-4 December, 2020 The focus of this highly interactive online conference is on the interoperability of Agile, DevOps and Testing. They have shared environments that facilitate working together. Spurred by greater demand for excellence, these methods are more … [Read more...] about Virtual Community Days- Agile, DevOps & Testing
Artificial Versus Human Intelligence: Learning Solutions In The Global Digital Economy
The digital economy has risen to prominence in discourse amongst think tanks, researchers and corporations, and has climbed to the top of government and business agenda. Increasingly and collectively, the world is recognising the digital economy as the chief driver of growth and development and is directing investment accordingly. Behind this digital push exists new … [Read more...] about Artificial Versus Human Intelligence: Learning Solutions In The Global Digital Economy
How AI Has Revolutionized Online Learning
While Western Society isn't equipped with many rights of passage, college is a widely accepted step that many view as necessary in order to enter into the workforce. In fact, with the progression of the world, having a degree is often a minimum qualification for most quality jobs. However, with the price of college increasing nearly eight times faster than wages, it's rare to … [Read more...] about How AI Has Revolutionized Online Learning
Three Ways L&D Leaders Can Set Internal Data Analytics Programs Up for Success
As technology continues to change the way organizations around the world design processes, improve efficiencies, collaborate and partner with others, and grow their network, there is an increasing need for robust data analytics capabilities across almost every industry. Having the ability to capture and harness detail-rich information about both internal and external operations … [Read more...] about Three Ways L&D Leaders Can Set Internal Data Analytics Programs Up for Success