As an online marketer you collect as much information as your website visitors are willing to give you via online forms. But what happens if your visitors wont provide what you are asking for, or worse, they provide inaccurate information? How does that affect your interactions with them? People will share information via web forms, but the more you ask for, the less likely … [Read more...] about How to Enhance Your Web Forms With Real-Time Data
How the Internet of Things Is Driving a Knowledge Revolution
Think about a few things in your life right now. It really doesnt matter what they are, as long as you interact with them daily. They could be your phone, your shoes, your watch, your car, your refrigerator, your garage door openeryou get the idea. What do all of these things have in common (besides you, of course)? Well, at the moment, they may not have much of anything in … [Read more...] about How the Internet of Things Is Driving a Knowledge Revolution
10th International GIS-Forum
SOVZOND Company is'excited to announce and invite you for the participation in 10th'anniversary'edition of International GIS-Forum''Integrated geospatial solutions the future of Information Technologies', a unique meeting place and must-attend event for geospatial community. The event will take place on'13-15 April, 2016'in IMPERIAL Park Hotel, Moscow, Russia. The event … [Read more...] about 10th International GIS-Forum
Why E-Learning Should Welcome Big Data Solutions
E-learning has become a near standard in todays technological and educational landscapes. With courses available on anything from carpentry to algorithm design, people are turning to the internet to self-educate on topics that they would otherwise not have access to. As the population of e-learners grows, so does the opportunity to utilize the power of Big Data and improve … [Read more...] about Why E-Learning Should Welcome Big Data Solutions
6 Benefits of Data Modeling in the Age of Big Data
In dealing with Big Data, youve probably heard the term data modeling being used as a core concept in dealing with large amounts of data. Its a term you should be familiar with, and in this column, well explore what it is and, more critically, why its important. Data modeling is a branch of specialization in and of itself, and while this article will introduce you to the basic … [Read more...] about 6 Benefits of Data Modeling in the Age of Big Data