Introduction You have a lot on your plate as a startup or emerging business. You're trying to build the right product, grow your user base, and keep your existing customers happy. You've got a lot of moving parts that all need attention at once-but few are as important as acquiring and retaining customers. As Sam Altman, one of the founders of YC, said, "Growth solves … [Read more...] about Data-Driven Startup Growth with Performance Marketing
Important Technologies to Grow and Scale Your Tech Startup
There is no way around it - tech startups need to make several crucial investments early on in order to secure financial stability, ensure scalability and pave the road to long-term success. Regardless of the niche your startup occupies, you as a business leader need to consider the various tech solutions out there for each of your departments, and start implementing the right … [Read more...] about Important Technologies to Grow and Scale Your Tech Startup
Is artificial intelligence an expense or investment? An in-depth analysis.
AI (Artificial Intelligence) is a technology that most people think they are aware of, encompassing many processes, technologies, and functions. This makes it difficult to pin. Moreover, it doesn't fall into the one-size-fits-all segment. Having said this, to evaluate if AI is an investment or an expense, the benefits ought to outweigh the cost. Adapting AI is a step you take … [Read more...] about Is artificial intelligence an expense or investment? An in-depth analysis.
Scalable SaaS Growth: 5 Tactics for Emerging Startups
I've written before on SaaS development and rollout, focusing on how you can take your software development process from inception to completion without missing the rollout date. Aside from the fact that you need a strict workflow and a top-notch dev team, successful rollout demands proper marketing and dev-operations management. So, now you have a successful SaaS product out … [Read more...] about Scalable SaaS Growth: 5 Tactics for Emerging Startups
Finding Career Growth Opportunities in Information Systems
No matter what industry you find yourself in, the use of data and information systems undoubtedly dictates the progress you make. With the online world driving data accumulation and business analytics, the more understanding you have of these processes, the more opportunities are open to you. However, some sectors of the economy are expanding at much greater rates than others, … [Read more...] about Finding Career Growth Opportunities in Information Systems