As an online marketer you collect as much information as your website visitors are willing to give you via online forms. But what happens if your visitors wont provide what you are asking for, or worse, they provide inaccurate information? How does that affect your interactions with them? People will share information via web forms, but the more you ask for, the less likely … [Read more...] about How to Enhance Your Web Forms With Real-Time Data
big data quality
Will 2016 be the Year you Clean up your Dirty Data?
For ever it seems, weve been warning about the dangers of low quality data. Our warnings have been reinforced and echoed by some of the worlds biggest think tanks. However, despite this, some organisations still havent acted to improve the quality of their data. And were wondering why? Over the last 12 months, weve blogged about business automation, and about cutting the waste … [Read more...] about Will 2016 be the Year you Clean up your Dirty Data?
Analyzing Big Data Will Require More Statistics
 I keep saying that the sexy job in the next 10 years will be statisticians.  Hal Varian, Ph.D., Chief Economist at Google Big Data (Volume, Velocity, & Variety) represents a paradigm shift in approach and methodology for certain applications, yet not in statistical thinking or statistical assumptions. These, we will need in abundance. First, we will expose the growing … [Read more...] about Analyzing Big Data Will Require More Statistics
Indy Big Data Conference 2015
Why Data Quality Is of Utmost Importance in Information-Centric Organisations
High quality data will lead to valuable information and insights for your organisation, but obtaining high quality data is easier said than done. Improving your data quality and sustaining a good quality data output should be at the centre of your Big Data Strategy. Last week I was invited to speak at the Asia Pacific Data Quality Conference in Melbourne, Australia and Id like … [Read more...] about Why Data Quality Is of Utmost Importance in Information-Centric Organisations