It may be obvious that the massive credit card company Mastercard is heavily involved in big data. They have over 1.9 billion credit cards world wide that do over 65 billion transactions per year. They have over 32 million online and offline merchants that accept credit cards from Mastercard and 22.000 issuers and their credit cards are accepted in 210 countries. They use … [Read more...] about MasterCard Helps Retailers Perform Better with Big Data
7 Ways Big Data Could Revolutionize Our Lives by 2020
We know that big data is changing the way we life and work. It is changing societies and changing businesses. On this platform we have included many self-driving cars. Source: Who Is Hosting … [Read more...] about 7 Ways Big Data Could Revolutionize Our Lives by 2020
How The Financial Services Industry Should Use Big Data To Regain Trust
If there is any industry that can benefit from big data, it is the financial services industry. Of course the first use case that comes to mind is the ability to reduce risks, whether it be credit risk, default risk or liquidity risk. The industry that has lost the trust of its customers a lot since the crisis of 2008 can turn to big data to understand customers better and … [Read more...] about How The Financial Services Industry Should Use Big Data To Regain Trust
Machine-Learning: Connecting Devices with Algorithms – video
Machine learning algorithms have been around for ages, but they are getting exponentially better each year. The algorithms are being used in many different devices ranging from self-driving cars to writing magazine articles. Jeremy Howard, data scientists, talks about how machine-learning competitions drive the improvement of the algorithms and he sounds a warning what could … [Read more...] about Machine-Learning: Connecting Devices with Algorithms – video
Chicago – City of Big Data: Improving Your City Life – Video
The City of Big Data, an expedition that opens in Chicago in March 2014, will use Chicago's data-driven initiatives as a starting point for understanding what urban data is and how it might impact how we design and live. What can data analytics and computer models do to make cities better places to live and work? This video provides an overview of research and educational … [Read more...] about Chicago – City of Big Data: Improving Your City Life – Video