InterDrone, The International Drone Conference and Exposition, September 7-9 in Las Vegas, is the first global scale conference for the builders, flyers and buyers of commercial drones. It features a two-day technical conference for engineers and software developers, a drone business conference and a conference for commercial drone ‘buyers and flyers’ in more than a dozen vertical market segments. 3,000+ attendees from 50+ nations.’
Use code PARTNER for a $100 discount off the full 3-day conference pass. www.interdrone.com’
InterDrone is produced by BZ Media, which produces these fine shows as well. ‘Your guarantee of finding the best wearables training. ‘Big Data will play a huge role in the important’drone’segment, tied to the field of sensor technology.’
InterDrone is technology-agnostic. The tutorials and classes apply to Big Data in your drone’or in the cloud, from hosted environments to your own servers. The sessions apply to relational databases, NoSQL databases, unstructured data, flat files and data feeds.’
Come up to speed on Hadoop, Spark, Yarn, HBase, R and Hive as it relates to drone’tech. Learn from the smartest, hardest-working faculty in the Big Data universe in a way you never could by reading a book or watching a webinar. The faculty have real-world experience that you can tap into, whether you use Java, C++, .NET or JavaScript; whether you like MySQL, SQL Server, DB2 or Oracle; whether you love or hate Hadoop; and whether you are looking at dozens of terabytes or hundreds of petabytes.’
Drones and big data – a winning combination for a world class event!