Creator: Tel Aviv University
Category: Software > Computer Software > Educational Software
Topic: Basic Science, Health
Tag: agriculture, Carbon, complex, Coursera, credit
Availability: In stock
Price: USD 49.00
This class is aimed at people interested in understanding the basic science of plant biology.
In this four lecture series, we’ll first learn about the structure-function of plants and of plant cells. Then we’ll try to understand how plants grow and develop, making such complex structures as flowers.
Once we know how plants grow and develop, we’ll then delve into understanding photosynthesis – how plants take carbon dioxide from the air and water from soil, and turn this into oxygen for us to breathe and sugars for us to eat.
In the last lecture we’ll learn about the fascinating, important and controversial science behind genetic engineering in agriculture.
Interested in what the future will bring? Download our 2024 Technology Trends eBook for free.
If you haven’t taken it already, you may also be interested in my other course – What A Plant Knows, which examines how plants see, smell, hear and feel their environment:
In order to receive academic credit for this course you must successfully pass the academic exam on campus.
For information on how to register for the academic exam Additionally, you can apply to certain degrees using the grades you received on the courses. Read more on this here Teachers interested in teaching this course in their class rooms are invited to explore our Academic High school program here