The marketing world moves at the speed of light, with trends, technology, and tactics constantly evolving and shifting. 2022 was a year of many changes - economic uncertainty, wars, and pandemics affecting consumer behaviour, while 2023 appears to follow a similar trend. As a result, consumers have become more reliant on digital platforms and are now looking for high-quality … [Read more...] about Decoding the global CMOs’ mind: A peek into their Twitter activity
Game of Thrones S06E04 Twitter Users United in Joy Over the Big Reunion
Game of Thrones never stops surprising its viewers. And the way the shows fans react to the episode never stops surprising our data scientists either. Our ongoing sentiment analysis experiment shows that what the critics focus on is not always the same as what the masses are talking about. In this weeks episode, Book of the Stanger (season 6, episode 4), the fan reactions to … [Read more...] about Game of Thrones S06E04 Twitter Users United in Joy Over the Big Reunion
Game of Thrones: Oathbreaker, S06E03 a Song of Twitter and Python
In our ongoing experiment of how Twitter users are reacting to every episode of this seasons Game of Thrones, we have changed our methodology this time. Instead of analyzing just the main hashtags related to the episode, we analyzed how people are reacting to all the characters that appeared in the episode. This has given us a more comprehensive review of how the Twitterverse … [Read more...] about Game of Thrones: Oathbreaker, S06E03 a Song of Twitter and Python
Top Big Data Tech News You Need to Know: Halloween Edition
Happy Halloween, good people! If youve been super stoked all week long for all the scary and unnatural experiences this weekend promises, then it's likely youve missed out on some of the biggest Big Data tech news to hit the web. No worries, though, weve gathered them up for you. Here, the top three Big Data tech news stories you need to know. Twitter + IBM Partner Up IBM and … [Read more...] about Top Big Data Tech News You Need to Know: Halloween Edition
The Control of Personal Data by Large Powerful Corporations
Nicholas Carr, Pulitzer Prize Finalist for his book, The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains, discusses the dangers that occur when large companies such as Twitter, Facebook and Google own the majority of personal data. … [Read more...] about The Control of Personal Data by Large Powerful Corporations