Words and terminology are sometimes created to better understand a particular world. Cryptocurrency created a whole new financial world and with it came a number of terms like 'market cap.' The important thing is not to let the mystery of these words intimidate investors, especially newcomers. The market cap refers to the amount of Fiat monies supporting a cryptocurrency. … [Read more...] about Two Overlooked Factors Cryptocurrency Newbies Need to Pay Attention To
Smart contract
Second Line of Defence for Cybersecurity: Blockchain
In the first part we covered AI as the first line of defence for cybersecurity, the goal was to keep the cyber-criminals at bay, but in case they managed to get-in and infiltrate the network we need to initiate the second line of defence; #Blockchain. With the fact that cybercrime and cybersecurity attacks hardly seem to be out of the news these days and the threat is growing … [Read more...] about Second Line of Defence for Cybersecurity: Blockchain
How Blockchain Can Improve the Democratic Process and Enable a Liquid Democracy
With the authoritarian model gaining strength in the world and President Xi Jinping of China consolidating his power and changing the rules to effectively become emperor for life, democracy is having a tough time at the moment. Even President Trump praised Xi's move and joked about doing the same thing in the US. The Democracy Index, developed by the Economist Intelligence Unit … [Read more...] about How Blockchain Can Improve the Democratic Process and Enable a Liquid Democracy
Blockchain in 2018: Beyond the Hype
The year 2018 is the year of blockchain applications with several ongoing use-cases coming to the realization and the vendor landscape also gained more depth and a better structure after years of press and vendor hype, fueled equally by commercial self-interest and a genuine desire for innovation. Firms like Forrester predict that we will see more serious blockchain projects in … [Read more...] about Blockchain in 2018: Beyond the Hype
How Blockchain Could Help End Poverty in All Its Forms
Technological advancements have reduced global poverty significantly in the past 100 years. Although many people have been able to leave poverty due to this, however, still more than 1.3 billion people live in extreme poverty. Extreme poverty is defined as having less than $1.25 to spend every day. There are a wide variety of causes for poverty, which differ per country, but in … [Read more...] about How Blockchain Could Help End Poverty in All Its Forms