We asked Adam & Chris, the founders of Deeplearning4j first commercial-grade, open-source, distributed neural net library written for Java and Scala, with one of the most active communities on Gitter to share their thoughts, experiences and lessons learned on open source community building. Find out what they say and check out the deeplearning4j channel on Gitter. Tell us … [Read more...] about How to Build Open Source Communities: Deeplearning4j
open source
Why is Apache Spark Becoming More Popular?
2015 may be known as the year Apache Spark really came into its own. Spark was first launched back in 2009, and its popularity has been steadily growing ever since. However, in just the past year, Spark has exploded onto the scene. Perhaps this shouldnt be a surprise since the signs were there beforehand. After all, at the tail end of 2014, Apache Spark finally surpassed Hadoop … [Read more...] about Why is Apache Spark Becoming More Popular?
5 Reasons Apache Spark is the Swiss Army Knife of Big Data Analytics
We are living in exponential times. Especially if we are talking about data. The world is moving fast, and more data is generated every day. With all that data coming your way, you need the right tools to deal with the growing amounts of data. If you want to get any insights from all that data, you need tools that can process massive amounts of data quickly and efficiently. … [Read more...] about 5 Reasons Apache Spark is the Swiss Army Knife of Big Data Analytics
What Affects The Value Of Big Data?
Raw data in itself is worthless. Even more, raw data in itself just means costs. Costs related to storing and processing that data. Only when that data is analysed, insights can be derived from it and value is created. These insights determine the value of big data. Of course, organisations that want to develop a big data strategy also want to pre-determine the expected value. … [Read more...] about What Affects The Value Of Big Data?
The Big data Open Source Landscape Is Growing Rapidly.
Although Big Data Startups reviews startups who deal with big data and who sell licensed products, it is important to note that the landscape of open source tools is growing rapidly as well. They have proven to be efficient and cost-effective in getting big data stored, analysed and visualised. Open source data and open source products are no longer as risky as they used to be, … [Read more...] about The Big data Open Source Landscape Is Growing Rapidly.