Cyber threat intelligence has become more and more a necessity for every business, no matter how large or small. There are a number of different methods you can implement in order to combat cyber threats, including cyber intelligence. This method involves learning about the various cyber-risks that could affect your business. By making use of cyber threat intelligence, you can … [Read more...] about Why You Need Cyber Threat Intelligence
Deep Learning: Einstein Or Savant?
Artificial intelligence is one of the hottest topics in analytics today. Currently, the most popular member of the AI family, deep learning is solving some very difficult problems very well. Best known for image recognition, it is now being applied to a wide range of other problems. Given the success of the approach, it is easy to forgive people for thinking that deep learning … [Read more...] about Deep Learning: Einstein Or Savant?
How Big Data Security Analytics Will Protect Your Company
We live in an era of increased cyber threats. With dozens of companies and organisations being hacked on a daily basis and cyber-crime rising to new levels with hacking during the US elections, it is time for organizations to start protecting themselves. Big Data Security Analytics can help companies understand what is happening within their company and can help them take … [Read more...] about How Big Data Security Analytics Will Protect Your Company
The Top 7 Big Data Trends for 2017
It is the end of the year again and a lot has happened in 2016. Googles AlphGo algorithm beat Lee Se-dol in the game of Go, Blockchain really took off and governments around the globe are investing heavily in smart cities. As every year, I will provide you with the big data trends for the upcoming year, just as I did for 2014, 2015 and 2016. 2017 promises to be a big year for … [Read more...] about The Top 7 Big Data Trends for 2017
Free Business Analytics Content Part 3
Why buy when you can get it for free? Back at you! Here is the third fantastic delivery of an amazing and fabulous selection of free and widely available business analytics learning content, which has been prepared just for you. You can find part 1 here and part 2 here. Unmet needs analytics aspects of needs analysis. A needs assessment is a systematic process for determining … [Read more...] about Free Business Analytics Content Part 3