A good risk management plan has paved the path for many financial organizations. It enables firms to ensure that all workflows, financial checks, and balances comply with legal requirements. RPA (ROBOTIC PROCESS AUTOMATION) may strengthen risk management procedures by enhancing workflows, enhancing compatibility, and speeding up turnaround. According to a study, RPA is … [Read more...] about How Robotic Process Automation Helps in Risk Management?
data science
What Data Science Can Learn From Blacksmiths
It is widely accepted that newly graduated analytics and data science students require substantial investment from their first employer to become productive. While new graduates will always require more handholding than experienced employees, I've always felt that there had to be a way to better prepare students for the workforce than how we do it today. Now that I've … [Read more...] about What Data Science Can Learn From Blacksmiths
5 Best Data Engineering Projects & Ideas for Beginners
Data engineering is the leading branch of big data. If you want to pursue a data engineering career and wish to present your skills, then you are on the right page. In this blog, we will discuss data engineering project ideas for beginners that you should work on and obtain knowledge of it. As data engineering professionals, being familiar with some topics and technologies … [Read more...] about 5 Best Data Engineering Projects & Ideas for Beginners
Exploring the Legal Implications of Generative AI: Is it Fair Use?
On the negative side of the recent hype (hysteria?) around generative AI has been a focus on the underlying legal implications of this technology. Here, I'll dive into one specific issue that has been the subject of intense debate. Namely, is it fair for generative models to be trained on data the model creator does not have rights to? Further, is an AI process doing anything … [Read more...] about Exploring the Legal Implications of Generative AI: Is it Fair Use?
Applications Of Data Science In Decision-Making
Data science is a hot topic that is a technique for producing, examining, and organizing data in order to assess and recover importance. But examining and understanding data is what data analytics is all about. These two approaches have a lot in common and are helpful in the work. Data science involves the following steps: Make Hypothesis Conduct tests to collect data … [Read more...] about Applications Of Data Science In Decision-Making