The colors in the palette and their relative hex codes are innumerable. Not every color appeals to you visually on its own. Yet when filled in the right white spaces of a seemingly vacant scenery, the hue adds vibrancy and brings life to the art. Hiring people is an art quotes Howard Schulz, Chairman & CEO of Starbucks and I couldn't agree more. When placed at the right job … [Read more...] about 5 Reasons Why You Should Not Ignore Data in Your Recruitment Process
Data Aggregation
5 Limiting Factors for Data-driven Businesses
Many companies today claim they are data driven just because they have a central system that stores all their data. Unfortunately, they are not. A company that is truly data-driven must have a system where anyone in the organization who can use data can access it at any time. There are many challenges and difficulties today faced by many companies who want to become data … [Read more...] about 5 Limiting Factors for Data-driven Businesses
Big Data Series
A smart approach to learn Big Data Analytics & Digital Transformation Big Data Analytics & Digital Transformation Workshops are designed for organisations to help them learn the necessary tools to create a roadmap for a comprehensive, future-proof digital transformation strategy. Led by world-class gurus, these workshops are hosting key decision makers and senior … [Read more...] about Big Data Series