A few weeks ago, the Telegram white paper leaked. The white paper discusses Telegram's plans to build a decentralised ecosystem, launch a variety of Blockchain services and, of course, the Telegram Open Network (TON) comes with their own cryptocurrency called Gram. There are various rumours that Telegram is looking to raise at least $500 million in a pre-ICO sale and another … [Read more...] about What Telegram’s Upcoming ICO Could Mean for the Crypto World
Why Banning Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies is Not the Solution
Many government bodies, regulators, investors and banks see Bitcoin, or even the whole cryptocurrency market, as a speculative bubble. Some say it is a fraud, while others speculate that it will continue to rise in 2018. Earlier, I wrote an article why I believe that Bitcoin will fail. Not because it is a fraud, but because it is flawed. Despite my belief that Bitcoin will … [Read more...] about Why Banning Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies is Not the Solution
The 6 Biggest Cybersecurity Concerns for 2018
If there's anything you can say about the field of cybersecurity, it's that it's growing. By 2019, there will be 6 million new cybersecurity jobs on the market worldwide. This increase is commensurate with the increase in big data, which goes directly with advancements in both the cloud and the IoT. As the world moves closer to 180 zettabytes of data in 2025 (a conservative … [Read more...] about The 6 Biggest Cybersecurity Concerns for 2018
How Zero Knowledge Proof Will Enable Trustless Transactions and Increase our Privacy
While the challenges facing the future viability of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies remain unresolved, the underpinning technology that supports Bitcoin, Blockchain, has the potential to revolutionise the way we leverage trust- and even the way we think about trust. Trust is a fundamental good that, while largely intangible, is key to the functioning of practically every … [Read more...] about How Zero Knowledge Proof Will Enable Trustless Transactions and Increase our Privacy
Blockchain in 2018: Beyond the Hype
The year 2018 is the year of blockchain applications with several ongoing use-cases coming to the realization and the vendor landscape also gained more depth and a better structure after years of press and vendor hype, fueled equally by commercial self-interest and a genuine desire for innovation. Firms like Forrester predict that we will see more serious blockchain projects in … [Read more...] about Blockchain in 2018: Beyond the Hype