Be it workplace or outside “ the internet of things (IoT) has become one of the most trending topics of conversation in both the places. It has the potential to leave a big impact on our lives whether it's at work or at home. But what exactly is the "Internet of things" and is it really going to have a big impact on our lives? Every now and then we get to know about … [Read more...] about Connecting the World: IoT Ideas for Business
Are You Wasting Your Data or Consuming It?
Last night I was in the checkout line at the grocery store. There was a woman behind me with a cart full of produce who told me, I'll probably end up throwing most of this away. I asked her why. She said she knows she should eat healthy, but it takes too much time and effort to whip up a meal from scratch, and anyway, she wasn't that great of a cook. Despite her best … [Read more...] about Are You Wasting Your Data or Consuming It?
How to Navigate a Digital Transformation
Perhaps you have heard the phrase digital transformation . What does it really mean to digitally transform your business? Transformation is a thorough or dramatic change, like a sports car changing to a robot. Digital represents software and data leveraging computing, networking, and data storage technology. Combined together, digital transformation, in the context of … [Read more...] about How to Navigate a Digital Transformation
Why Big Data Has To Make Sense To People
You might have three PhDs and a brain the size of a football, but if you can't explain things in simple language to others, it will be a struggle to maximise your potential impact on the world. Of course, there are many notable exceptions of academically brilliant individuals who have transformed the world, but people such as Einstein, Newton, Hawking, et al., often developed … [Read more...] about Why Big Data Has To Make Sense To People
The Big Deal about Big Data for Small Business
Taking advantage of Big Data is easier than ever before in today's market. Believe it or not, this model of centralized information structure is sometimes far more suited to small businesses rather than big corporations. Using a central hub and having access to everything at once is one of the best innovations in business today, so what's the real big deal about big data? How … [Read more...] about The Big Deal about Big Data for Small Business