Drizzle is a free software/open source relational database management system (DBMS) that was forked from the now-defunct 6.0 development branch of the MySQL DBMS. Like MySQL, Drizzle has a client/server architecture and uses SQL as its primary command language. Drizzle is distributed under version 2 and 3 of the GNU General Public License (GPL) with portions, including the protocol drivers and replication messaging under the BSD license. Early work on the fork was done mid-2008 by Brian Aker. Ongoing development is handled by a team of contributors that includes staff members from Canonical Ltd., Google, Six Apart, Sun Microsystems, Rackspace, Data Differential, Blue Gecko, Intel, Percona, Hewlett-Packard, Red Hat, and others. Drizzle source code, along with instructions on compiling it, are available via the project’s Launchpad website. In October 2010, Drizzle had 13,478 total contributions, 96 total contributors, and 37 active contributors. It was also announced that Drizzle had entered Beta,. The first GA version was released in March 2011. Drizzle has actively participated in the Google Summer of Code Project since 2010.