Aerospike is the company behind the Aerospike open source NoSQL distributed database which has a horizontally scalable high-speed lightweight data layer. Citrusleaf, a Mountain View, California based company which rebranded to Aerospike in August 2012, launched the database in 2011. The company purpose-built the database for developers to deploy real-time big data applications. According to a study by Wikibon in 2012, Aerospike is the leading data-in-flash database for transactional analytic applications, and it can answer over 200 thousand transactions per second per node. Additionally, with automatic fail-over, replication, and cross data center synchronization, the Aerospike database can store terabytes of data. The database is primarily used in advertising as a server-side cookie store, where read and write performance is paramount. It forms the core user data storage for adMarketplace and several other advertising companies including BlueKai, Tapad, The Trade Desk, Sony’s So-net, and eXelate. The database is also used in gaming, security, and e-commerce industries.