Join USAs Premier Meeting for Business and Finance Leaders’
Current projections equate to a 1.8-2.4C temperature rise by 2050, and social inequality has increased during the pandemic, with no sign of addressing the deeper structural issues causing that inequality. Both business and finance know the level of change that is required ” and expected of them by key stakeholder groups ” but they also must remain competitive and sustain commercial success.’
Those that can successfully lead this transition will future proof their business. This is one of the biggest disruptions, and innovation opportunities of our lifetime, but the level of transformation, investment and collaboration is unprecedented for many.’
At this years Responsible Business USA 2022 we will help you create the blueprint for a commercially successful transition that ensures your whole business, and value chain, is aligned with a 1.5C pathway, that investments are made in the areas that scale impact and bring new innovations to market, that take stated promises into both immediate and long-term actions, and that key stakeholders understand and trust your ambition.