Digital transformation is imperative for all businesses, from the small to the enterprise, as it helps businesses to remain competitive and relevant in the world that operates digitally across the platforms. In order to respond to the growing needs of the new age customers, it has become imperative for today’s Bank to switch from their age-old legacy systems to a more robust, efficient and modernized platforms to stay relevant in this digital age. Most of the leading banks are now investing heavily in digital technologies (such as blockchains, AI, Automation, Cloud computing) to reap their key benefits and stay competitive in the business.’
Despite the regulatory challenges, banks have recognised the importance of digital developments and are working intensively on potential solutions and strategies. Digital Transformation is a customer intelligence solution that enables banks to deliver a great omni-channel customer experience. Today’s business leaders are constantly challenging their organisations to ensure this change can unlock productivity gains and significant competitive advantage all while delivering exceptional customer experience.’
Kinfos Events through it’s research has identified the importance of ‘Digital Transformation’ as it has emerged as one of the most topical subjects in banking sector. It is set to transform the banking of the future but there is currently no dedicated banking summit in Europe on this potent topic therefore as a part of our DTB series, we are back with the second edition of the Digital Transformation in Banking summit which will take place in Copenhagen, Denmark.’
The summit aims to help the banking sector to learn about the latest case studies in Nordic and rest of the Europe, live rollouts, industry best practices and address some of the most common challenges of implementing Digital Transformation from selecting the right digital platforms, managing the cultural shift, minimizing their costs of implementation, identifying new partners who can support this transformation journey through collaboration FinTechs.’
This unique event will be jointly represented by 15+ leading speakers and it aims to gather about 120+ attendees (mostly from local and regional banks, regulators, standard bodies, selected FinTechs) who are looking to stay ahead of the curve.’
We invite you to come and engage at this unique show.