Usable patient feedback shouldn’t wait until after a product launch. It’s time to embrace data.
Your company invests substantial amounts in product development and clinical trials. Yet until it goes to market, you’re missing the concrete data you need to ensure your product is of the highest possible quality. You need to know more to finalize dosage information, to solidify your product’s value proposition, to understand exactly what your customers need.’
At our February 2017 event in Philadelphia, you’re going to learn just how to make use of real-time feedback and data to improve your clinical trials. By accessing the data streams at your fingertips, you’ll ensure that your trials don’t just efficiently determine safety and efficacy. They’ll also provide you with key information you need to bring better products to the market.’
As patients become more entrenched in a digital sphere, they’ll provide you with information which will allow for patient-centric trials which have feedback built into the development process. Instead of reacting to post-release and approval information, pharma will instead be equipped to take patient feedback, and incorporate it with data from your clinical trials and from medical professionals during product development. As reliable, wide-reaching information from a range of sources is incorporated, development will in turn become quicker and more efficient, leading to effective product launches.’
The end result will be more efficient trials, shorter and more cost-effective development processes, and a product that launches with the benefit of genuine, real-world feedback to help you position it correctly. In short’
it’ll give you a real competitive advantage.’
Join us to learn from actual real-world implementations of new data gathering and analyzing methods, and to see how new technology and data can be used to lead pharma forwards into a future filled with cost-effective trials, high quality products and satisfied customers.