Country digitisation and cloud adoption for the public and private sector
Given the shift towards cloud’computing and digitalisation adoption by the’Middle East,’It is’our’pleasure to welcome you to Cloud &’Network Virtualisation Middle East.’With a number of mega projects’that are expected to have a significant positive’impact on the country’s IT services market, this is’the time for the industry to come together and’discuss next steps.’Organisations no longer question the value’proposition associated with cloud computing.’But the conversation has changed from ‘Should’we do it?’
to ‘How should we do it to get the most’value? With this in mind, we are organising the Cloud &’Network Virtualisation Middle East Forum which’will gather public and private organisations’to discuss how to effectively exploit the’opportunities cloud and digitalisation offer while’ensuring security, privacy and data protection.’Complemented by a strong faculty of high-level’
speakers from across the region and beyond,’this inclusion transforms this conference into the’most comprehensive event of its kind anywhere’in the Middle East.’
Find out why cloud is the final frontier and the driver for’companies of all sizes and industries to transform and grow’
2.’Gain insight into the latest security threats to ensure’you are protected as your infrastructure evolves’
3.’Learn from real-world success stories of how organisations’have exploited the cloud to take their businesses to new’heights and become leading global and local brands’
4.’Discover new trends and findings affecting business in’the cloud and network virtualisation today’
Why are we doing this event now? What’s happening in the market?’
- EMC survey shows 95% of UAE enterprises have already implemented or plan to implement a cloud computing model
- In the Middle East datacentre space has increased in the UAE and Saudi Arabian markets alone by more than 60%, helping firms overcome obstacles to cloud adoption.
- Growth in new datacentre builds and service partnerships in the UAE and Saudia Arabia are helping local firms to embrace the cloud
- The UAE government has planned and launched multiple ambitious mega projects that are expected to have a significant positive impact on the country’s IT services market. Including
- The UAE and Saudi Arabia are set to spearhead infrastructure as a service( IaaS) adoption in the Middle East and the spending will reach $280 million (Dh1.03 billion) with a year-on-year growth of 33 per cent