For all things data, analytics and AI in WA, CDAO Perth is the place to be and stay connected.’
With dedicated content to help you integrate GenAI, get ready for privacy reform, unlock value in data and deliver on the ethics and ESG promise, plus much more! CDAO Perth is the only destination for those looking to take away a guide on what you can do next in your data transformation journey.’
Here is why should you attend:’
Meet the who’s who of data – Connect with WA’s ‘movers and shakers’ in data and analytics at our breakfast, lunch, and networking receptions’
Pick the brains of data experts – Get answers to the burning questions keeping you up at night during our no holds barred Panel Discussions’
Benchmark against the best – Peek behind the industry curtain and find out how other organisations are solving their data analytics issues’
Walk away with new tools – Learn top tips and strategies you can use to influence and implement change in your organisation’
Cheers with Peers – Kick back, relax and keep the conversation flowing over drinks with your peers’
Stay on-point with your tech – Impress your team by keeping up to date with the cutting-edge applications of data and technology