Working in the retail industry? Drive success in an immensely competitive market by learning the latest trends in location analytics, in-store tech and cross-platform analytics:’’
On June 7 & 8, join 150+ data experts at the Palmer House Hilton Hotel and attend the following presentations:’
- Omni-channel Measurement – from Digital to the Store – Google
- Strategies for Emerging & Developing Markets – Coca-Cola
- Actionable & Scalable Analytics – GAP
- Build a Profitable Analytics Agenda – HSBC
- E-commerce Conversion – Walmart
- Machine Learning & Predictive Analytics – The Home Depot
- The Power of Real-Time’Customer Feedback – Mallzee
Explore the agenda.’
Register your pass today and quote DATAFLOQ20 to save 20% on two-day passes!
For any questions, please contact Elliott: or +1 415 800 4713