The expert practitioners and thought leaders over these days will help you to develop your business case and build the foundation towards getting significant return on investment. There will be sharing of practical experiences, extended knowledge-sharing presentations in the ‘Round Table’ sessions for sharing insights and industry trends; you can put your questions directly through Slido to the presenters and panellists. This coupled with networking on online discussion groups has the scope for open-mindedness and sharing throughout the conference. There is an exhibition alongside featuring leading service providers, consultants and vendors within the areas on Software Testing, Automation, Quality Assurance, various aspects of Agile and DevOps.’
write to us at for discount on bulk registration.
Throughout these two days, we are aiming to include high quality technical/review presentations from thought leaders as well as case studies from practitioners and solution providers.’
We will also feature extended knowledge-sharing discussions in Round Table sessions for sharing insights and industry trends. This session will be in a panel format for 40 minutes.’
If you would like to join the discussion, please complete the Response Form.
Participants join in by posting their questions over Slido, and shape their learning, share their own experiences as well as hear fresh ideas. Conversations carry on in our LinkedIn Agile, Testing & DevOps Discussion group.>’
- Agile frameworks provide guidance for efficient operational software
- Adopt a ‘build-and-run’ teams concept>
- Automation and SAFe
- Agile and DevOps’
moving with flow based awareness - Testing: ‘Measure twice, cut once’
- Continuous Testing’
running tests at each stage of s/w delivery pipeline. - Improve DevOps with SAFe
- Automating for improved flow>
- The agile release train and continuous integration
- Scrum board Gamification>
- Modern Software Testing>
- Sustainable Test Automation>
- Mob Programming>
- Team leadership
- Individuals and interactions over process and tools>
- Working software over comprehensive documentation>
- Customer collaboration over contract negotiation