Advances in Data Science will take place in Manchester, UK from Monday May, 21 2018 to Tuesday May, 22 2018.
A two-day meeting to present recent developments in data science. This year’s meeting is jointly organised by Manchester’s Data Science Institute and the Cathie Marsh Centre for Social Research and will explore some of the ways that data science can support societal wellbeing. Invited speakers will include leading data scientists from industry and academia and there will also be the opportunity to submit abstracts for talks and posters. Presentations’will range from application-focussed to advanced data science methodologies.’
Book your place today on the conference website.’
Invited speakers this year include:’
Danielle Belgrave, Microsoft Research and Imperial College London’
Licia Capra, University College London”
Ciro Cattuto, ISI Foundation, Italy”
Toby Davies, University College London”
John Quinn, UN Global Pulse, Uganda”
Ciira wa Maina, Dedan Kimathi University of Technology, Kenya”
Dave Martin, University of Southampton”
Jonathon Nagler, New York University, USA”
Louisa Nolan, Office for National Statistics Data Science Campus’
Reka Solymosi, University of Manchester”
See the programme from last year’s meeting here Sponsors
This event is sponsored and co-organized by”
University of Manchester Data Science Institute Cathie Marsh Institute for Social Research Organizers
This event is organised by Professor Magnus Rattray (University of Manchester), Professor Rachel Gibson (University of Manchester), Professor Mark Elliot (University of Manchester), Dr Suzy Moat (University of Warwick)’
& Professor Neil Lawrence (Amazon).’
Abstracts and Presentations
The closing date for the call for abstracts is Monday 19th February.‘To be considered for a short oral presentation or poster please submit an abstract through the meeting’s easychair submission page. Abstracts should be prepared on one side of A4 (pdf format) and should describe new or recently published data science research. We will consider submissions which demontrate advances in data science methodology and/or applications of data science supporting societal wellbeing.’
We will keep a small number of spaces available until after decisions on submissions are released to ensure that speakers for accepted contributed presentations can register. However, due to space limitations at the venue and the popularity of last summer’s conference, we encourage people to register as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.’
If you have any queries please contact dsi.enquiries@manchester.ac.uk’