Neural Networks 2019 welcomes you to the’ 7th Global Summit on Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks to be held in Dubai, UAE during September 23-24, 2019. This International Neural Networks conference will bring together researchers, Professionals, professors, scientists, Developers & newbies to discuss strategies for AI & NN globally. Neural Networks 2019 is designed to provide divergent and prevailing education that will gather professionals familiar to the researches, issues, discoveries and technologies. Undoubtedly the participant at this Neural Networks Conference will be able to exchange knowledge with the best experts on the globe and will return home with extensive knowledge.’
Sessions to be discussed at our conference:’
- Artificial Intelligence
- Big Data to AI
- Machine Learning
- Artificial Neural Networks and Deep Learning
- Computer vision and perception
- Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy Systems
- Robotics and Mechatronics
- Natural Language Processing
- Cognitive Systems
- Enterprise Artificial Intelligence
- Cloud Computing and Internet of Things
- Ethics in AI
This Neural Network conference will assist to framework organization, B2B teaming up amidst specialists and academicians. We feel our expert Organizing Committee is our major asset, however Speakers are what make events stand out. Your presence over the conference venue will add one more feather to the crown of Neural Networks 2019. It’will focus on the latest and exciting innovations and developments in all areas of Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks research which offers a unique opportunity for the participants across the globe to meet, network, and perceive new scientific innovations. This year’s global summit AIand NN conference highlights the theme,’
AI – The Next Evolutionary Step in Digital Transformation
which reflects the ground-breaking progress in Artificial Intelligence and NN research. The two days conference includes oral presentations, poster presentations, workshops, symposiums and special keynote sessions conducted by eminent and renowned speakers who excel in the field of AI and Neural Networks.’