Creator: University of Michigan
Category: Software > Computer Software > Educational Software
Topic: Law, Social Sciences
Tag: collection, Data, digital, Other, university
Availability: In stock
Price: USD 79.00
This fourth and final course in the ”'Good with Words: Writing and Editing”
series will help you master perhaps the most important step in the writing process: revising. You'll learn about the difference between editing and proofreading. You'll practice ”'un-numbing the numbers”
so that data and statistics you use are clear and compelling.
And you'll be introduced to a framework for giving and receiving feedback that helpfully systematizes what should be cut and what should be kept from each draft.
As with the other three courses in this series, you will also get access to a wide range of books and other resources you can use even after you finish the course. These include: (1) the readings and exercises provided to the students who have taken the in-person version of this course at the University of Michigan and the University of Chicago; (2) two digital libraries of excellent writing from a diverse collection of journalists, scientists, novelists, poets, historians, and entrepreneurs; and (3) a monthly ”'Good Sentences”