Creator: Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Category: Software > Computer Software > Educational Software
Topic: Basic Science, Health
Tag: brain, change, emotions, networks, research
Availability: In stock
Price: USD 49.00
These are very unique times for brain research. The aperitif for the course will thus highlight the present ”'brain-excitements”
worldwide. You will then become intimately acquainted with the operational principles of neuronal ”'life-ware”
(synapses, neurons and the networks that they form) and consequently, on how neurons behave as computational microchips and how they plastically and constantly change – a process that underlies learning and memory. Recent heroic attempts to realistically simulate large cortical networks in the computer will be highlighted (e.g., ”'the Blue Brain Project”
) and processes related to perception, cognition and emotions in the brain will be discussed.
For dessert we will deliberate on the future of brain research, including the questions of ”'brain and art”
, consciousness and free will.
For more information see the course promo below and read ”'About the course.”