Creator: University of Colorado Boulder
Category: Software > Computer Software > Educational Software
Topic: Mechanical Engineering, Physical Science and Engineering
Tag: Computer Science, Coursera, degrees, planning, robotics
Availability: In stock
Price: USD 49.00
This course, which is the last and final course in the Introduction to Robotics with Webots specialization, will teach you basic approaches for planning robot trajectories and sequence their task execution.
In “Robotic Path Planning and Task Execution”, you will develop standard algorithms such as Breadth-First Search, Dijkstra's, A* and Rapidly Exploring Random Trees through guided exercises. You will implement Behavior Trees for task sequencing and experiment with a mobile manipulation robot “Tiago Steel”. It is recommended that you complete the first and second courses of this specialization, ‘Introduction to Robotics: Basic Behaviors' and “Robotic Mapping and Trajectory Generation” , before beginning this one. This course can be taken for academic credit as part of CU Boulder's MS in Computer Science degrees offered on the Coursera platform starting Fall 2, 2023. These fully accredited graduate degrees offer targeted courses, short 8-week sessions, and pay-as-you-go tuition. Admission is based on performance in three preliminary courses, not academic history. CU degrees on Coursera are ideal for recent graduates or working professionals. Learn more: MS in Computer Science: