Creator: University of California, Davis
Category: Software > Computer Software > Educational Software
Topic: Health, Health Informatics
Tag: Data, data quality, governance, healthcare, quality
Availability: In stock
Price: USD 49.00
Career prospects are bright for those qualified to work with healthcare data or as Health Information Management (HIM) professionals. Perhaps you work in data analytics but are considering a move into healthcare, or you work in healthcare but are considering a transition into a new role.
In either case, Healthcare Data Quality and Governance will provide insight into how valuable data assets are protected to maintain data quality. This serves care providers, patients, doctors, clinicians, and those who carry out the business of improving health outcomes. “Big Data” makes headlines, but that data must be managed to maintain quality. High-quality data is one of the most valuable assets gathered and used by any business. This holds greater significance in healthcare where the maintenance and governance of data quality directly impact people's lives. This course will explain how data quality is improved and maintained. You'll learn why data quality matters, then see how healthcare professionals monitor, manage and improve data quality. You'll see how human and computerized systems interact to sustain data quality through data governance. You'll discover how to measure data quality with metadata, tracking data provenance, validating and verifying data, along with a communication framework commonly used in healthcare settings. This knowledge matters because high-quality data will be transformed into valuable insights that can save lives, reduce costs, to improve healthcare and make it more accessible and affordable. You will make yourself more of an asset in the healthcare field by what you gain from this course.