Creator: University of Colorado System
Category: Software > Computer Software > Educational Software
Topic: Health, Research
Tag: career, health, planning, research, researchers
Price: USD 49.00
This course is targeted to early career and novice researchers writing their first major competitive biomedical / health research grant proposals.
After the course, you will be able to: 1) Identify key decisions in planning a grant proposal that reflect scope, timeline, expected outcomes, and audience; 2) Describe key parts of a grant proposal, large and small sections, and best practices for each; and 3) Describe effective responses to reviewers and recognize common pitfalls to avoid. We are faculty at a major research institution with proven experience training others to research career success. Research grant proposal planning, writing, and resubmitting are key skills. This course is part of a larger Specialization called Grant Writing for Health Researchers. Please consider taking the other courses on (1) Biostatistics study design and analysis for grant proposals, and (2) Scientific writing. Together, these have been a recipe for success for researchers at the University of Colorado and beyond. Upon completion, you will earn an e-badge to display your new skills. Please join us!