Creator: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Category: Software > Computer Software > Educational Software
Topic: Business, Finance
Tag: acquisitions, finance, managers, practice, theory
Availability: In stock
Price: USD 79.00
This course focuses on the theory and practice of mergers and acquisitions (M&A), with a focus on the Finance. The Finance of M&A uses tools from different areas of Finance to help managers and investment bankers design successful M&A deals.
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In particular, we will learn to value and price M&A deals and how to choose the optimal financing mix for an M&A deal. The course focuses on all the major types of M&A deals including strategic M&A, private equity leveraged buyouts (LBOs), and restructuring deals such spinoffs and asset transfers. The course will benefit any student who desires to increase their ability to understand and execute M&A deals, including (but not limited to), entrepreneurs, consultants, bankers, investors, analysts, corporate managers, marketers, strategists, and deal-makers of all types. The course will also deepen students’ understanding of financial modeling and capital structure, both in theory and practice.