Creator: Koç University
Category: Software > Computer Software > Educational Software
Topic: Math and Logic
Tag: content, learning, NEM, operations, volume
Availability: In stock
Price: USD 49.00
Bu ders do”rusal cebir ikili dizinin birincisidir. Do”rusal uzaylar kavram'
, do”rusal i”lemciler, matris g”sterimleri ve denklem sistemlerinin hesaplanabilmesi i”in temel ara”lar vb. konular'
i”ermektedir. Ders ger”ek ya”amdan gelen uygulamalar'
da tan”tmaya ”nem veren ”'i”erikli yakla'mla”
tasarlanm't”r. B”l”mler: B”l”m 1: Do”rusal Cebirin Matematikdeki Yeri ve Kapsam'
B”l”m 2: D”zlemdeki Vekt”rlerin rettikleri B”l”m 3: ”ki Bilinmeyenli Denklemlerin rettikleri B”l”m 4: Do”rusal Uzaylar B”l”m 5: Fonksiyon Uzaylar'
ve Fourier Serileri B”l”m 6: Do”rusal ‘lemciler ve D”nmler B”l”m 7: Do”rusal ‘lemcilerden Matrislere Ge”i'
B”l”m 8: Matris ‘lemleri ———– This is the first of the sequence of two courses. It develops the fundamental concepts in linear spaces, linear operators, matrix representations and basic tools for calculations with systems of equations.
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The course is designed with a ”'content based”
emphasis, answering the ”'why”
and ”'where”
of the topics, as much as the traditional ”'what”
and ”'how”
leading to ”'definitions”
and ”'proofs”
. Chapters: Chapter 1: Place and Contents of Linear Algebra Cebirin Chapter 2: Learning From Vectors in the Plane Chapter 3: Learning From Equations For Two Unknowns Chapter 4: Linear Spaces Chapter 5: Function Spaces and Fourier Series Chapter 6: Linear Operators and Transformations Chapter 7: From Linear Operators to Matrices Chapter 8: Matrix Operations ———– Kaynak: Attila A”kar, ”'Do”rusal cebir”
. Bu kitap d”rt ciltlik dizinin nc'
cildidir. Dizinin di”er kitaplar'
Cilt 1 ”'Tek de”i”kenli fonksiyonlarda t”rev ve entegral”
, Cilt 2: “‘ ok de”i”kenli fonksiyonlarda t”rev ve entegral” ve Cilt 4: ”'Diferansiyel denklemler”
dir. Source: Attila A”kar, Linear Algebra, Volume 3 of the set of Vol1: Calculus of Single Variable Functions, Volume 2: Calculus of Multivariable Functions and Volume 4: Differential Equations.