Creator: Macquarie University
Category: Software > Computer Software > Educational Software
Tag: complex, creativity, innovation, market, problems
Availability: In stock
Price: USD 49.00
The third course of the specialization CREATING INNOVATION will teach you what is at the core of all innovations that solve complex problems and how to foster methods to make big breakthroughs possible. It advances your knowledge of your own field by teaching you to look at it in new ways. CREATING INNOVATION is constructed in the following way: Week I. ‘What is Innovation?’ What lies at the core of all innovations. Week II. ‘The Evolution of Human Creativity’ How humans developed the ability to innovate and think creatively. Week III.
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‘Innovation in a Complex Global Network’ How innovations emerge from human networks. Week IV. ‘Planning Innovation’ How organisations seek out and create the right conditions for new breakthroughs. Week V. ‘Market Innovation’ What makes innovations more likely to emerge in a market setting. Week VI. ‘Innovation in the Anthropocene’ How innovations are crucial to meet the problems of the 21st century.