Creator: University of Amsterdam
Category: Software > Computer Software > Educational Software
Topic: Governance and Society, Social Sciences
Tag: approach, cities, innovation, mobility, questions
Availability: In stock
Price: USD 49.00
What is the future of cycling in our cities that struggle to transition to more sustainable and inclusive forms of mobility? What is the role of innovation in ensuring that cycling becomes easier, safer and more accessible for different groups of people? What are Great Bikes and what are Great Cycling Cities? In this course we tackle these questions, but we do so without providing recipes, one-size-fits-all solutions or rankings of innovations. Instead, this course helps you to develop your own approach to cycling futures and innovation. It teaches you to ask critical questions about various aspects of cycling practice and its place in mobility systems, about cycling innovation and the way in which various stakeholders imagine cycling futures.
This unique course is grounded in the results of the Smart Cycling Futures project (2016-2020), conducted in the Netherlands but through readings and assignments it engages with the wider world. Course development was made possible by sponsor enviolo.