Category: Software > Computer Software > Educational Software
Topic: Arts and Humanities, Philosophy
Tag: capital, comparative, earth, perspective, process
Availability: In stock
Price: USD 29.00
1818-1883 ”
1930-2004 1844 5-88-16 Whether approving or not, Karl”Marx(1818-1883) has become the common spiritual wealth of human in our time. Therefore, as Jacques Derrida said: ”'Whether they wish it or know it or not, all men and women, all over the earth, are today to a certain extent the heirs of Marx and Marxism.
‘ The course will briefly delineate Marx's thought process in a contemporary view, and center on these three core works of Marx :”'Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844′ , ”'the communist manifesto' and ”'Capital', to interpret and understand Marx's method in a comparative perspective, showing Marx's thoughts and its contemporary influence.