Creator: Imperial College London
Category: Software > Computer Software > Educational Software
Topic: Health, Research
Tag: citizens, health, patients, public, research
Availability: In stock
Price: USD 49.00
This course focuses on participatory approaches in research, known as ‘public involvement' in the UK. You'll specifically, consider why citizens and patients would be involved in research and explore participatory approaches across and within the research cycle in more detail, diving into questions such as: – what kinds of participation can be undertaken at each of the 7 stages of the cycle? – how can you utilise participation in research? – what examples of using participatory approaches exist in research? While this course, as with the rest of the specialisation, focuses on public health and ways of involving citizens and patients across and within the research cycle, these concepts apply to other disciplines and kinds of research too. So, you don't have to be a public health specialist or work in healthcare to gain insight from this course.
If you would like to learn more about the theories and core principles of participation within a public health context, we suggest taking Introduction to Participatory Approaches in Public Health.
If you're planning a research project and want to include participatory approaches, explore our course Applying Participatory Approaches in Public Health Settings.