Creator: Automation Anywhere
Category: Software > Computer Software > Educational Software
Tag: Automation, bots, development, RPA, testing
Availability: In stock
Price: USD 49.00
To adopt RPA, you begin with the Discovery and Design phases and proceed onto the Development and Testing phase. RPA Lifecycle Development and Testing is the second course of the Specialization on Implementing RPA with Cognitive Solutions and Analytics.
In this course, you will learn how to develop and test bots.
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For this, you will use Automation Anywhere Enterprise Client (or AAE Client) to record, modify, and run tasks. AAE Client is a desktop application with an intuitive interface, that enables the creation of automated tasks with ease. It features ‘SMART' Automation technology that quickly automates complex tasks without the need for any programming efforts. The learning will be reinforced through concept description, building bots, and guided practice.