Creator: Johns Hopkins University
Category: Software > Computer Software > Educational Software
Topic: Health, Patient Care
Tag: health, medicine, professor, school, university
Availability: In stock
Price: USD 49.00
Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) using the antiretroviral medication emtricitibine/tenofovir approved in countries around the world is a highly effective means of reducing transmission of HIV through sexual encounters and needle sharing. This Johns Hopkins University course PrEPares you with essential information, concepts and practical advice regarding PrEP from leaders in the field. A first of its kind learning opportunity, both providers and patients learn from the same experts through content that meets the needs of both audiences, while facilitating the opportunity for a shared community space. Lessons for healthcare workers provide background on foundational and cutting-edge research and PrEP guidelines, how to initiate a PrEP program, clinical management and providing culturally sensitive sexual health and primary care to diverse communities. Lessons for PrEP enthusiasts, PrEP users or the PrEP curious provide information regarding who can benefit from PrEP, how to access services, what to expect and how to stick with your PrEP program long-term. OBJECTIVES: At the conclusion of the session, the participant will be able to: 1. Describe the differences between foundational PrEP studies and demonstration projects 2. Describe the basic pharmacodynamics of tenofovir/emtricitibine including mechanism of infection prevention and time to protective concentration in mucosal tissues 3. List recommendations from PrEP for Prevention of HIV Infection in the United States clinical practice guidelines, USPHS and CDC, including initial and ongoing screening and testing 4. Describe the need for PrEP as an HIV prevention tool for priority in often stigmatized populations 5. Indicate the components for integrating PrEP services into clinical practice 6. Outline guidelines for screening and treatment of sexually transmitted infections 7.
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Describe how to take a thorough sexual history and to engage with clients around sex in an affirming and non- judgmental manner 8. List the baseline and follow-up laboratory monitoring required 9. Explain key aspects of patient education for HIV prevention and sexual health 10. Describe protocols for ongoing PrEP services and when to discontinue FACULTY/ CREDENTIALS: Jason E. Farley, PhD, MPH, ANP-BC, FAAN, Associate Professor Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing Chris Beyrer, MD, MPH, Professor Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health Yusuf Ariyibi, BA, Disease Intervention Specialist Baltimore City Health Department Joyce Jones, MD, MS, Clinical Associate Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Neha Sheth Pandit, PharmD, AAHIVP, BCPS, Associate Professor University of Maryland School of Pharmacy Pierre-Cedric Crouch, PhD, ANP-BC, ACRN, Director of Nursing San Francisco AIDS Foundation Renata Arrington Sanders, MD, Assistant Professor Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Jenell Coleman, MD, MPH, Associate Professor Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Michele Decker, ScD, MPH, Associate Professor Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health Deborah Dunn, PA-C, MBA, Physician Assistant Chase Brexton Health Care Jordan White, MS, Desmond Tutu Fellow of Public Health and Human Rights Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health Gregory Lucas, MD, PhD, Professor Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Demetre Daskalakis, MD, MPH, Acting Deputy Commissioner, Division of Disease Control, NYC Dept. of Health and Mental Hygiene David Dowdy, MD, PhD, Associate Professor Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health Jessica LaRicci, PrEP Coordinator Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing Susan Tuddenham, MD, MPH, Assistant Professor Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Joseph Cofrancesco, MD, MPH, FACP, Associate Professor of Medicine Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Jill Crank, CRNP, MSN/MPH, Nurse Practitioner Evergreen Healthcare Paul Sacamano, MPH, ANP-BC, ACRN, PrEP Project Lead Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing Shima Ge, BS, PrEP Peer Navigator Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing ORIGINATION DATE October 02, 2017 RENEWAL DATE: November 30, 2019 EXPIRATION DATE: November 30, 2021 URL: HARDWARE/SOFTWARE: Computer Hardware; Internet connection; Browser MATERIALS: None TARGET AUDIENCE: physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, registered nurses, pharmacists, health education specialists, public health workers, social workers, case managers PREREQUISITES: None FORMAT: These seminars are enduring video presentations with online discussion forum and resources. CONTACT INFORMATION: Office of The REACH Initiative, Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing (888) 788-7737 ACCREDITATION STATEMENTS: CME activities with Joint Providers: This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the Essential Areas and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education through the joint providership …