This event addresses business intelligence in a digitally connected world and focuses on the latest developments and challenges in exploiting data to support ‘smart’ decision making.’
Cloud computing, Mobile devices and the Internet of Things are some among the latest innovations and tools expected to radically change data collection and analysis. The ever more widespread use of the Internet and Social Media has also acquired an important role in feeding the business intelligence process.’
The increasing adoption of new technologies also brings along changes in the way people work and communicate. Understanding how company culture affects business intelligence and how it can be most effectively exploited by the organisation is imperative.’
The conference programme features a number of presentations and case studies by subject experts, as well as opportunities for networking and discussion sessions.’
Areas to be addressed include:’
- Internet of Things
- Mobile devices
- Deployment within the cloud
- Social media
- Organisation’s culture, strategy and functioning
- New tools for business intelligence
- Implications for Digital Business