Rethink! ITEM’Europe 2016 -‘IT & Digital Enterprise Minds -‘Driving Digital Business’is’an international knowledge and project exchange platform, which will bring together more than 150 IT experts to network and to discuss’key industry topics, exchange knowledge, as well as’create new partnerships.’
35+ CIOs, IT decision makers and senior IT executives from across the industry will share their knowledge through 20 best-practice case studies, 16 workshops and round tables, and two days of One2One partnering sessions.’
Main topics include:’
- IT Strategy,’Innovation, IoT & Industry 4.0
- Enterprise Mobility & Agile Infrastructure
- Cloud Technology & IT Virtualization
- Enterprise Architecture, IT Infrastructure & Applications Architecture management & DevOps in global companies’
- Big Data & IT Operations
- IT Security & Compliance
- Digital Transformation
Speakers from companies such as Hotels.com, Met Office,’AutoScout 24, RWE GBS UK, Boehringer Ingelheim Ltd., Telefonica UK, BMW, Deutsche Bahn Regio AG, and many more will join the event to present their challenges and opinions about the IT industry.’
In 2’
full days of networking, 30+ case studies and roundtables, as well as more than 30 hours of networking and exchange, participants will get exclusive access to IT decision makers, their projects, and the challenges their face, as well as will get the opportunity to discuss about the current trends, future technologies, and the latest innovations in the IT sector.’
The event will take place on the 25th and 26th of April 2016 at the Millennium Hotel London Mayfair in London. An Icebreaker session will be held the evening before the event, on April 24.’For more information please refer to the’event website‘or download’the’conference agenda that includes the full schedule of the event along with the topics and confirmed speakers.’
Seats may fill up quickly’
secure your ticket now!’
For any questions about the event, please reach out to Karolina Edge karolina.edge@we-conect.com