We’ll be talking:
- Accessible & Actionable Data
- Data Quality
- Customer Data
- ApplyingAnalytics
- Data Governance
- AI Innovation
- Data for Life
- Teams, Talent & Diversity
Benefits of attending:
Democratise the dialogue: learn how your peers are overcoming the latest challenges thorough in-depth and lively conversations that draw out key learnings.’
All-access agility: Organisations are making gains and willing to share their insights with you to better inform your practices, strategies and approaches.’
Don’t silo in silence: have your say! Engage in this data and analytics community event to make connections and collaborate.’
Sign-up today!
1. Learn from the most successful data and analytics leaders and explore the strategic issues that matter to you. We have years of experience in creating events that deliver valuable insights.’
2. Enjoy the convenience of an online event. There’s no need to spend time & money on travel, no time out of the office, and you can fit the short webinars around your schedule. 3. Interact with the data & analytics community’s leading executives. Our technology and live broadcasts mean you can put your specific pain points & questions to our expert speakers, and get direct, actionable answers.’
4. Can’t attend all the sessions live? Catch up later at the time most convenient to you, On-Demand. Approved recordings will be shared with all registrants, post-event.’