Across the globe, different industries are investing in the right talent, processes and technologies to establish big data analytics as part of their organizations’ DNA. It is clear from industry case studies, trends and reports that valuable insights extracted by applying analytics to business data has been a competitive game changer for cross-sector organizations. Although information analysis and data-based decisions are nothing new to your industry; there is a lack of a solid, 360? organization-wide approach to data analytics & governance. Data integration remains as one of the greatest challenges across the board, with additional inhibitors including functional silos and cultural resistance to change’all of which hinder an integrated approach to end-to-end implementation and optimization.’
In oil and gas for example, pairing real-time down-hole drilling data with production data of nearby wells can help refine the drilling strategy, especially in unconventional fields. These analytic advantages could help oil and gas companies improve production by 6% to 8%.’
Applying big-data analytics to both structured, operational data and unstructured data will optimize EP processes to reduce operational costs and maximize profits. The event will focus on sharing the best practices, knowledge and case studies to build and deliver analytics capabilities to EP business segments and support the business and IT transformation.’
The sentiment is unanimous’
the oil and gas sector must adopt Big Data & analytics to accelerate production and empower the organization with integrated real-time data to support decision making and to be better prepared to leverage future opportunities and pre-empt risk. This group is designed for oil and gas professionals who are tasked to understand, manage, enable and use data to drive business decisions and operations.’
Potential Business Impact is Rapidly Rising across the middle east and other parts of the world.