Creator: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Category: Software > Computer Software > Educational Software
Topic: Language Learning, Other Languages
Tag: language, learning, people, processes, society
Availability: In stock
Price: USD 49.00
You are interested in welcoming processes of migrants and refugees? You want to dedicate yourself to teaching lamguage and literacy? The objective of this course is to get to know the simultaneous process of literacy and language learning in the host society for migrated young people and adults. The linguistic integration is key for integration in the society. This course offers insight into international migration today and the real linguistic needs of migrated people in the countries of arrival.
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Furthermore, throughout the course you can learn about teaching methods and tools in language learning and literacy. The focus is on oral competencies, and processes starting from the students’ needs and difficulties them and the teaching staff are facing, implementing hands on experience and providing practical solutions supporting your class.