1. What does the plugin do?
The plugin allows users to rate articles across the web-based on the quality of the article, fake news probability and plagiarism probability. This will make it easier to find high-quality articles, detect fake news and plagiarised content.
2. How does rating articles work?
Rating of an article is very simple. Simply browse the web as you normally do and if you read an article, click on the browser plugin icon to find additional information on the article. Here you can also leave your review of the article, which should take only a few seconds. Your review is stored, anonymously. Currently, this is done centralised, but we are working on moving it to a blockchain to make it immutable. However, you can change your review once within the first 24 hours. Next to a manual rating, the plugin will also use AI to rate the article based on various variables such as readability, engagement and plagiarism.
3. Why would I rate articles using the plugin?
The plugin is like an IMDb for articles; the more users that participate and rate articles, the easier it becomes to find high-quality content, reputable authors and detect fake news and plagiarism. In addition, we will reward you with FLOQ tokens for your work. You can exchange these tokens for Mavin tokens as soon as the Mavin project launches and successfully launches the Mavin token.
4. What is the Trust Score?
Your Trust Score is linked to how much you completed your profile and determines how many FLOQ Tokens you can earn for each transaction. The higher your Trust Score, the more tokens you can earn. You can increase your Trust Score by completing your profile.
5. What is the Reputation Score?
The Reputation Score is the result of all your actions on Datafloq and across the web. It incorporates the articles that you have published on Datafloq, the articles that you have claimed from other websites and your actions on the Datafloq Forum. In terms of the articles, the higher the quality of the articles, the higher your reputation score. In terms of the Datafloq Forum, the more high-quality questions you ask that lead to useful answers and the more you contribute positively to the Forum, the higher your reputation will be. Your Reputation Score determines how many FLOQ tokens you can earn when creating content on Datafloq.
6. What can I do with my FLOQ tokens?
At the moment, these FLOQ tokens are just a reward for your work, but you will not be able to exchange them on any crypto exchange. You can view them as loyalty points that you can exchange once we have launched the MVN token. At this moment, they are not even decentralised nor are the crypto tokens. The FLOQ token cannot be exchanged for any other cryptocurrency and they do not have any monetary value.
7. What does the button ‘Are you the author?' mean?
Authors can claim a profile on Datafloq and as such, build up a global reputation. The better their articles, the higher the reputation score. With this score, they can earn FLOQ tokens when writing articles on Datafloq. Therefore, if you are the author of an article, you can ‘claim' this on Datafloq by clicking this button. If you do so, we will add it to your profile.
8. What does it mean to ‘merge articles'?
If you publish your articles at multiple locations, you can merge these articles in your Datafloq profile. Merging your articles means that they will be seen as one article (if they are identical) and you will receive one quality score across the different platforms.
9. I was reading an article and the plugin did not recognise the article, how come?
We use technology to determine whether a webpage is an article, but since web pages differ we cannot automatically detect all articles. Therefore, we need your help. If you come across an article that the plugin categories as ‘not an article' you can click the button ‘this is an article' and we will manually check and upgrade the plugin to include articles of that particular website. We will do so if enough people have marked an article as an article.
10. How often can I review an article?
You can only review an article once. However, you can change your review once within the first 24 hours. After that, your review has become immutable. We do so because otherwise you could rate an article multiple times and with that falsely inflate an author's reputation.
11. What does ‘Recommended articles' mean?
When you rate articles, we build a profile of you and we use this to recommend you articles that we believe would be of interest to you. When you click the button, you are redirected to your profile on Datafloq where you can find these articles. Please note, that at any time you can view and delete any data that we collect from you.
12. Why do you ask to provide a URL when reviewing an article?
When you believe that an article is plagiarised, we ask you to submit the URL to the original article. Only, of course, if you know the URL of the original article. You do not have to complete this section, but it will help the author detecting if his/her articles have been plagiarised. If you are the author of an article, and the original is published on a different URL, you can provide that information in the back-end on Datafloq.
13. What data do you collect from me?
In order to use the plugin and to earn FLOQ tokens when rating articles or contributing articles on Datafloq, we ask you to complete a profile on Datafloq. The more information you provide, the higher your Trust Score will be. This Trust Score determines the FLOQ tokens that you will receive for your actions. We ask data on your social networks, verified email and/or phone number, your skills etc. In addition, we store your interests and the type of articles that your rate and how you rate them. This information is used to recommend new articles. Please note, that at any time you can view and delete any data that we collect from you. You are in full control of your own data on Datafloq.
14. Why should I link a website in my profile on Datafloq?
Linking a website on your Datafloq profile will automatically link articles that you published on that website to your account. That will directly affect your reputation, as only when you are the verified author of an article, the quality of the articles contributes to your reputation.
15. How can I earn FLOQ tokens?
There are three ways how you can earn FLOQ tokens. First of all, by rating articles that you read on the web. The number of FLOQ tokens that you receive depends on your Trust Score. Your Trust Score is linked to the information you have provided on Datafloq. The more information you provide, the higher your Trust Score. Your Trust Score can be a maximum 100% and per article rated you can earn 1 FLOQ token. The actual amount of FLOQ tokens that you receive is calculated as follows: Trust Score x 1 FLOQ token.
Secondly, you can earn FLOQ tokens by publishing articles on Datafloq. When writing an article, we automatically determine the quality of the article using AI. The number of FLOQ tokens that you receive when writing an article is based on the quality of the article, your Trust Score and your Reputation Score.
Finally, you can earn FLOQ tokens by promoting the Datafloq plugin. For every user that registers on Datafloq, completes his/her profile and starts using the plugin, you will be awarded 10 FLOQ tokens * Your Trust score.
16. Where can I see how many FLOQ tokens I have?
You can find your FLOQ token balance on your Datafloq profile. Currently, your FLOQ tokens are stored centralised by Datafloq. As such, these are not crypto tokens. However, when we launch Mavin, we will transfer FLOQ tokens to the MVN token, which will be a crypto token. For the moment, when you click on the number of FLOQ tokens that you have, you can see all the different transactions.
17. Why would you want me to connect so many social networks?
The reason we ask you to connect your social networks is that we use this information to build your profile. The better we know you, the better we can recommend you new articles. In addition, this will help build a more trustworthy profile for others to review. In addition, in the future, we will use this information to incorporate relevancy when you rate articles. This means that if you are an expert on a certain topic, your rating will contribute more than others who are not an expert on that topic.
18. What does the Verified icon mean?
The verified icon means that the article has been claimed and verified by the original author of the article. The author has a profile on Datafloq and his/her reputation will change depending on the rating of the article.
19. What to do when your article is claimed by someone else?
If one of your articles is shown verified but you did not claim it, perhaps someone claimed it incorrectly. When that is the case, you can notify us by email by clicking here. Once we have received your email, we will investigate it and get back to you.
20. It does not recognise an article, how come?
Every website requires a different way of scraping. We have included the most well-known content management systems such as WordPress or Joomla as well as well-known websites such as Medium,
CNN or HBR. However, we need your help to improve the plugin to cover all domains. When an article cannot be scraped, simply click the button and we will be notified. Once 10 users have identified a domain name, we will improve our plugin to incorporate the new domain.
21. What does the number of views and shares mean?
If the website shows the number of views and shares, these are shown in the plugin. If the article does not show the number of views and shares or we are not able to scrape them, the number reflects the number of views and shares of people using the plugin.