Big Data is a development that must be recognized. Data analytics is simply too valuable for any organization to ignore. Scientific studies showed us that there is a clear link between the use of BigData and significant efficiency improvements. Therefore, it is not a question whether companiesneed to use Big Data, but how they should address it.Following the first successful edition of the BigData Expo, its more than 2,100 visitors were offered lots of tools for implementing this big data strategy within their company.’
We use the term Big Data when the amount of data is too large and diverse to manage with the usual resources, such as conventional databases.’
The amount of data is growing rapidly, is constantly changing and is diffused and unstructured by nature. It requires specific knowledge and skills to work with very large, unstructured and non relational data sets. If we are able to understand this large amount of available data within the correct context, it will offer us a lot of relevant and useful information for our business operations.’
The two-day exhibition Big Data Expo gives organizations the opportunity to show their knowledge and skills to a large group of specific visitors who are looking for solutions to make their data relevant.’
The exhibition floor includes stands with exhibitors promoting a wide range of products as well as a number of lecture halls: Keynote halls and the slightly smaller Peripheral halls, with a continuous lecture programme.’
The Keynote programme has been put together by the organisers. The Peripheral halls offer exhibitors an opportunity to hold presentations. Here, exhibitors are required to follow a set of guidelines developed by the organisers.’
The lecture programme includes a wide range of lectures, some of which are sector-specific, such as ‘Big Data in Finance’ and ‘Big Data in Retail’, while others are theme-related, such as ‘Big Data and Privacy‘.