Creator: Dartmouth College & Institut Mines-Télécom
Category: Software > Computer Software > Educational Software
Tag: C programming, C++, Code, Linux, programming
Availability: In stock
Price: USD 49.00
Learn how to use professional tools and libraries to write and build C programs within the Linux operating system. This seventh and final course in the C Programming with Linux Specialization will allow you to develop and use your C code within the Linux operating system. Using libraries in C is a fundamental concept when it comes to sharing code with others.
In addition to compiling and linking, you will also learn how to pass arguments to an executable program.
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As you embark on your future career as a programmer, you will be able to continue your coding adventures with professional coding environments used by C programmers around the world. Why learn C and not another programming language? Did you know that smartphones, your car's navigation system, robots, drones, trains, and almost all electronic devices have some C-code running under the hood? C is used in any circumstance where speed and flexibility are important, such as in embedded systems or high-performance computing. At the end of this course, you will reach the last milestone in the C Programming with Linux Specialization, unlocking the door to a career in computer engineering. Your job Outlook: – Programmers, developers, engineers, managers, and related industries within scientific computing and data science; – Embedded systems such as transportation, utility networks, and aerospace; – Robotics industry and manufacturing; – IoT (Internet of Things) used in smart homes, automation, and wearables. – IEEE, the world's largest technical professional organization for the advancement of technology, ranks C as third of the top programming languages of 2021 in demand by employers. (Source: IEEE Spectrum) This course has received financial support from the Patrick & Lina Drahi Foundation.